| 1. | It's slow and yet searing psychic force ! 这是慢性地摧裂心肺的力量啊! |
| 2. | He was tired, exhausted, and yet wide-awake . 他精疲力竭,但仍很清醒。 |
| 3. | And yet i'm a stranger here too . 不过,我在这里也是举目无亲啊。 |
| 4. | And yet he generates some pride . 不过他还是打起点儿自尊心来。 |
| 5. | And yet it seemed to throw a kind of light . 尽管如此,它似乎给了某种启迪。 |
| 6. | She was utterly shattered, and yet composed . 她受到很大震动,但没有惊慌失措。 |
| 7. | She's vain and foolish, and yet people like her . 她自负而愚蠢,然而人们喜欢她。 |
| 8. | And yet in her heart this was exactly what she most wished . 其实,这正是她最希望的。 |
| 9. | And yet inevitably it strikes one gleam after another . 但却又处处晶光彩焕,美不胜收。 |
| 10. | And yet i believe that my eyes are as good as yours . 但是我还是觉得我的眼力不比你的差。 |